Graduate Student Conferences
We have hosted five graduate student conferences since 2016. Those gatherings featured themed panels and panelists from the following institutions: University of California Santa Barbara; Harvard; University of Arizona; University of Denver; University of Virginia; Florida State University; Concordia Seminary; Vanderbilt; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Kansas; Middle Tennessee State University; University of Denver Iliff School of Theology; University of Chicago; Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India; Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley; Duke University; Southern Methodist; Colgate; University of Mary Washington; Claremont; Georgia State University; University of Missouri – Columbia; National Open University of Nigeria; UNC Greensboro; University of South Florida; Wake Forest; Boston University; Union Presbyterian Seminary; Northwestern University; Brown University; UNC Chapel Hill; Indiana University Bloomington; Florida State University; Nebraska Wesleyan; Miami University Ohio; University of Georgia; University of California Riverside; Rice University; New York University; and Brown University.
The students involved in organizing each conference – from choosing a theme and writing the call for papers to executing the event itself – gain tremendous experience in administration and collaboration. We hope to plan another in the next few years.