Graduate courses

Required Course
RELS 6101: Approaches to the Study of Religion
This course must be taken by all Graduate Students in the Religious Studies MA Program within the first three semesters. This course provides students with critical tools for research, analytical thinking, and writing in the academic study of religion. The topics and individuals this course covers represent several major currents of thought in the field of religious studies.
Other Courses
The graduate courses offered by this department change every semester, and the listing for the coming semester is available at the link above. In addition to those courses, there are two other courses to consider.
RELS 6800: Directed Reading
Graduate students are permitted to receive 3 credit hours for one directed reading in which the student works with a single faculty member on an individualized course of student. Students should consult with the Graduate Program Director to discuss the process of developing and registering for a directed reading course. Students should contact a faculty member well in advance and then apply for a directed reading course with that faculty member’s permission through this link.
RELS 6999: Thesis Writing
Graduate students writing a thesis are required to complete six hours of Thesis Writing. For more on the thesis and the thesis writing process, please see here.