M.A. Theses

See below for our M.A. thesis authors and titles


Casey Sheetz, “American Monstrosities: The Religious Implications of Monsters in American Horror Story: Coven


David Flaherty, “The Insta-Hijra: South Asian Hijra Photographic Performance”

Aaron Gonzales, “Praise the Sun: The Game Dark Souls Illuminated by Ritual Theory”

Tabitha Rice, “The Vanity of a Visionary: A Close Reading of the Inquisitorial Trial of Francisco de los Apostáles (de Avila)”

Oliver Richards, “Naming the Boogeyman: Constructing Marginalized Religions as Threats to White Bodies in the X-Files


Argonauta, Matthew. “Elijah the Tishbite: The Zealous He-Prophet’s Gender Performance in 1 and 2 Kings”

Beaumont, Jenny. “Mark: A Messianic Post-War Gospel”

Stephen Boaz, “The Embattled Lens: Looking for Perspective in Evangelical Subcultural Identity”

McElveen, Viola. “Identifying the Voice of the Teacher in the Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayat) of the Dead Sea Scrolls”

Manlove, Wyatt. “Maintenance of a Tradition: An Analysis of Identity and Memory-Making Process at Rock Springs Camp-Meeting”

Mesibov, Sally. “‘I Received an Inward Showing of Truth’”

Rumfelt, Trina. “Dating the Teacher of Righteousness and the Floruit of His Movement: An Evaluation of Methods”

Staton, Jonathan Daniel. “A Thick Cloud of Forgetting: The Function of Unknowing in The Cloud of Unknowing”


Ryan Cataldo, “This Generation Will Not Pass Away before All These Things Take Place”

Sam Davis, “Reporting the  Summer of Shame : Clergy Sex Abuse and U.S. Catholic Journalism in 2018”

Justin Sells, “Christian Sun Worship and Theurgy in Late Antique Rome” 

Lesley Wright, “The Broken Shelves: Ex-Mormon Reddit Narratives in Deconversion”


Joseph Amezquita, “Psychonautica: Rhetorical Patterns within Self-Reported Psychedelic Narratives” 

Joshua Casper, “South Park’s Satan: Sympathetic Character and Critical Cultural Mirror” 


Lindsay Carroll, “Sacrifice and Violence: Paśubalí in Nepal” 

Jason Graham, “Ritual Flexibility: Insights from and for Applied Behavior Analysis” 


William Bowmer, “The Persistence of Images: Mürti, Monotheism, and Museums”

Aleah Cornett, “The Name with Which You Ascend to Heaven : Semiotic and Linguistic Ideology in the Midrash of Shemhazai and Aza’el”

Gabrielle Haley, “The Pragmatism of Food Porn: Modern Media as a Mode of Zen Perpetuation”


Chelsea Caskaddon, “Perceived versus Experienced: Religious Othering on a College Campus”

Zannah Kimbrel/Zipporah Breunig, “Penetrating the Seventh Palace: Reading the Sexual Dimensions of the Hebrew Book of Enoch”

Robert Lee, “American Atheism: An Analysis of Eighteenth-Century Stigma Borne by Twenty-First Century Children”


Julie Bruce, “Apocalyptic Mother: Revelations of a World Turned Upside Down in The Book of Margery Kempe”

Steven Jedael, “Counting Days in Ancient Babylon: Eclipses, Omens, and Calendrics during the Old Babylonian Period (1750-1600 BCE)” 

Haley Twist, “Editing Identity Online: Film Reviews as Religious Narratives on Patheos”


Andrew Barker, “Ghosts in the Walls: An Analysis of Paranormal Investigative Television”

David Clausen, “The Origin and History of the Cenacle on Mount Zion: An Examination of the Textual, Artistic, and Archaeological Evidence”

Joshua Miller, “Utopic Pessimism: The Messianic Underpinnings of the Antinatalist Polemic”

Justin Mullis, “Playing Ponies: A Critical Evaluation of Religious Elements and Gender Politics at Work in ‘Brony’ Fandom”


Era Pope, “Tarot as Conversation: Subjects in Process/On Trial”

Thomas Young, “Roman Religion: A Re-Appraisal of the Role of Private Cult Ritual and Practice”

Matthew Humphries, “‘I was shot in the left arm by a friend’: Transgression and the Possibility of Communication”


Ilya Merlin, “Revolution in Thug Life: Anti-Matricide and the Sacred”  

Julie Hawks, “A Cloud of Unknowing: Atomic Thinking with Benjamin and Bataille” 

Ashley Zulovitz, “When Bhuts Attack: How Bhuts Challenge the Dominant Brahmanic Paradigm in North India ” 

Whitney Smitherman, “Identity in Crisis: An Exploration of Mimetic Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Islamophobia in American Society” 


Jeremy Absher, “Negotiating Origen’s Literary Legacy: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Origenist Controversy”

Kristen Smith, “The Scroll of Antiochus and Identity in the Eastern Diaspora”  

Carrie Jones, “The Infanticidal Mother as Sacred Figure: Kristeva, Morrison, Smith “

Susan Jassan, “Correcting the Past Through Prophecy”  


William Branch, “The Irrepressible Ms. Holwell: Preeminent Confidence Artist and Britain’s First Critical Theorist of the Hindu (Gentoo) Religion” 


Christopher Winchester, “Redating the Gospel of Matthew” 

Anthony Bradley, “Changes in the Spirit: Examining the Adaptation of Scripture Interpretation in the Church of God, 1971 to 1993”  

Brandon Alspaugh, “Hebrew as a Privileged Form of Literary Discourse” 


Tammie Wanta, The Other Adam: Biblical Intimations of a Semi-Divine ‘First Man’  

Janna Shedd,  The Scripture of Salvation and Lingbao Practices of the Body: A Reexamination of Asceticism in the Context of Lingbao Daoism  

Ginger Stickney, “‘I Here Acknowledge Indebtedness to My Abusers’: Subjection, Power, and Stories of the Self”

Jeffrey S. Patterson, “Solomon’s Portico: The Jerusalem Church in the Book of Acts”  


Leif Tornquist, “The Biopoliticization of Protestant Care: A Discursive Analysis of Protestant Ministerial Advocacy of Eugenics in the United States”  


Paul (Trey) Gilliam, “The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John: Complementary Christological Compositions”


Franklin Trammell, “Piping and Wailing: Against the Stratification of Sapiential and Apocalyptic Layers in Q”


Michael Korvink, “Starting from Scratch: A Positional-Statistical Approach to the Indus Script”