Congratulations to Dr. Thiede On Her New Book

Congratulations to Dr. Barbara Thiede on her recent publication of Male Friendship, Homosociality, and Women in the Hebrew Bible: Malignant Fraternities. Routledge, 2021.
Brief summary:
“Male alliances, partnerships, and friendships are fundamental to the Hebrew Bible. This book offers a detailed and explicit exploration of the ways in which shared sexual use of women and women’s bodies engenders, sustains, and nourishes such relationships in the Hebrew Bible.” Read more about this book on the Routledge website.
Dr. Chris Greenough, co-director of the Shiloh Project, enjoyed the book so much, he wrote the following comments to Dr. Thiede:
“The text is so well written, the argument is highly persuasive throughout – whip-smart writing. I particulary loved the endnotes too – the first time I’ve ever read through every endnote in a text, just because I didn’t want to miss more of your gems! I’ll certainly be using it in my own research. Thank you for wriiting and publishing it!”
The book can be purchased on the Routledge website or read online through Taylor and Francis ebooks.